Hope you are all well!
I haven't posted, In a bit & I'll tell you why... I'm an official "K-Drama" addict! Before you start judging me, hear me out (well, read me out : )...
Before I became a Mom, I LOOOVED to read funny, romantic, women's fiction, well anything that carried a good love story. For a while, I wouldn't spend money in anything that wasn't a book. I would eat them up, 2 to 3 books a week. sigh...... those days of lazy couch reading........
As soon as I got preggers for the first time (before Marky), I got "What to Expect When You're Expecting". I read half of it in a week, I wasn't even eight weeks preggers and I already knew about "
Birthing Plans". If you would like to know my opinion, (and I must be the only one to believe this, but for me, at times ignorance is bliss), I wouldn't recommend this book to first timers, or at least don't get it as soon as you get the first (++). This book has some scary info! True, very informative, (I guess if you do want to know)... But I would recommend to just go with the flow. Attending birthing classes later on is better. All that got stuck in my head, were all the things that could go wrong! I was so scared of everything, I literally believed I was gonna loose it if I sneezed. Spotting, iron deficiency, preeclampsia, amniocentesis.... all too much to know, too soon. If you read my post
here, you already know how that pregnancy went. : ( After this, I put the books on time out.
After I had my Markus, I started reading, "Becoming Baby Wise..." everything. That has been mostly it, ever since.
To satisfy my romance needs, I started watching romantic TV shows like, "Grey's Anatomy" etc... (well, just until it became ridiculous and unbearable to watch) It's been so long, since I've watched American shows that I forgot their names. I did like a whole lot of them, I saw about two a night... weekly! I also had my fair share of "guilty pleasures"... AKA..."Reality TV". On my behalf, I only really liked "Jersey Shore's first Season"... : ) But those "Housewives of Crazy/Mafia land" really got me hooked, specially the "New Jersey, ones". : / I still remember, that just days before we moved to Korea, the new season was gonna start, and I missed it. To think of all that craziness that I've missed... upsets me... :)
When we got here, I went trough some serious TV detox regimen. I cut it off completely. Not that they don't give American TV shows here, it's just that all the ones they show are the Murder/Detective/Police/CSI kinda shows. These are NOT my style... at all!
K-Dramas, Korean Dramas, Kimchidramas, Dramafever, Novelas Coreanas, Dramas de Asia |
So I had heard about K-Dramas and I had actually seen random episodes of one or two of them before, back in PR (they started playing them dubbed in Spanish in the local
WIPR ). However, it was only when I moved here, when I became a Kimchidrama, Dramabeans, MySoju or any of these sites that would give me a free subtitled episode. I thought, "why not". I might even learn some Korean while watching. The good news is, I HAVE!!!!! The other day, while watching an Episode of one, I understood 100% of what went on in the first scene!!!! : ))))
To this day, I have watched countless K-Dramas, as I go by them as fast as I used to with books. They have everything a romantic would want, a good laugh, a sigh, a tear. But my favorite thing about them is that they carry very original and interesting stories! None of these canned, over dramatized, re-done for 20th time, Latin ones. Sorry to diss on my own... but it's true! Latin dramas, are all the same!
Korean Drama, K-Drama, Kimchidrama, Dramas Coreanos, Novelas Coreanas |
I have my little K-Drama crew on my Facebook... (ohhh... you girls know who you are) lol... we are group of ladies that share titles if we see a good one. Some of them watch them dubbed in Spanish on YouTube, but if you are in the US or Canada, know English and wouldn't mind reading subtitles, I would recommend a site like Dramafever.com. Here you can make a profile and keep track of the episodes and past Dramas you already saw.
We've now (yes, "WE" as in S. and me) have been glued to our computer, watching 2 new ones that just started. I do not like it one bit that they're so new. They only give new episodes on weekends so we have to wait for them to be uploaded. This on top of having to wait a week for 2 more episodes... grrrrp...
So because an incredible amount of ppl ask me for recommendations, I will do my very best to keep you updated on my current "Drama life". So I've been thinking of starting a weekly Drama roundup here. Funners.... I will also introduce a "konglish" word a week. Learning my basic "konglish" has helped me get around "SIN ESPOSO", without knowing any Korean.... : )
Now let's hope I can keep up!!!