Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Olivia's Baek-il

In Korea, the 100th Day after a Baby being born (Baek- il) is celebrated with a small feast.  Family members pray & give thanks for the baby's survival and health. Supposedly back in the day, a lot of babies didn't make it this far, due to lack of medical care, extreme temperature changes in Korea and other childhood related diseases.

At first, I wasn't gonna do anything, but then I started thinking why not. Just because it's just us, doesn't mean we can't celebrate our baby, her health & what's tradition. Let's just say, I don't need many excuses to bake me a cake & have a party. : )
I may have not done it the right way (with the praying & the 100 rice cakes) but God knows I pray for my kids every day... I'm sure he's watching out for them.  : )

100th day birthday korean, baek-il

baek il, 100th day birthday korean, korean birthday, mixed kids, 100 days
Marky said, "She's like a Princess"... <3... I think so too.. : )

baek il, 100th day birthday celebration, 100th day birthday korean celebration, mixed kids, birthday, pink birthday, baby 

baek il, korean birthday, 100th day celebration, 100th day birthday korean, korean-american baby, mixed kids, pink cake

100 Days, baek il, 100th day birthday korean celebration, mixed kids, cupcakes, pink cake, bird themed girl party

baek il, rice cakes, korean food, pink birthday cake, 100th day korean celebration, korean birthday, bird themed party

baek il, korean birthdays, celebrations, korean 100 days of being born, 100 days, baby 100 days birthday, Baek-Il 

Baek-il, baek il, korean birthdays, celebrations, seoul South Korea, korea, Seoul, 100 days birthday

baek il, Baek IL, Baek Il, 100 days, celebration, korean traditions, 100th day korean celebration, pink cake, bird theme party

Baek-il, korean birthday table setup, party table, bird theme party, fiesta de cumpleaños Coreana., pink cake

baek il table, baek Il,baek il, Baek IL, 100 days, baby 100th days, 100 days celebration, korean birthdays,

Korean Rice cake / Bael il , rice cake, birthday cake, 100 days, birthday, korean celebrations
I'm proud to say I did the ordering of the rice cake!!!! It was the prettiest I've seen & really, really good!

 100th Day birthday korean, Baek il, cake, birthday cake, baek il, Baek Il, rice cakes, seoul, south korea, pink cake

The cake I made. I ran out of Icing so i couldn't do the roses I wanted... : (  It's so hard to find confectioners sugar here. All I found was tiny bags of 100g, a small box of Domino's  is 453g... You know how many of these small bags I need... a lot! 

baek il, Baek IL, peg il, baby 100 day celebrations, korean birthdays, 100th day birthday celebration, baby birdy party

Korea, seoul, south korea, baek il, Baek IL, peg il, korean baby traditions, korean birthdays, 100th day korean birthday

Markus <3 Hyeah!

Yeayyy... It wasn't just us! 

100th day celebration, baek il, Baek IL, peg il, korean birthdays, seoul, south korea, pink cake, bird themed party

Baek Il, baek il , peg il, 100th day celebration, korean baek il, korean baby birthday, seoul,  yellow and pink birthday, birds
Finally all together!

Olivia's Baek-il was the same day as Three Kings Day or Epiphany. This is a very special day for Puerto Ricans, specially for kids. You are supposed to collect grass and put it in a small box under the bed , so the camels would eat it and in return they leave a gift. 
OK...... truth is... I forgot the grass!!!! So hard keeping up with all these traditions, also there is no grass here, it's all dried up! Still, apparently my kids were so good, they still got a gift! ; )

Or was he so good?!?!... This Pocky thief of mine!

And as it was in my home when I was growing up, the Three Kings are poorer than Santa, so the gift is much smaller.... : ) 

You don't know how happy a book makes my kid! : )

Reading to Woody <3

Her first book.... Olivia!!!!! : )

Y colorin colorado..... este cuento ha acabado! 
Till next time! : )


diana__delgado said...

Que celebración tan bella! Y eres toda una artista, Tania!! Felicidades a Olivia en sus 100 días y muchas bendiciones para todos ustedes! x

Tania said...

Gracias! x back @ u ; )

Alexandra said...

Love it! Las fotos más lindas que he visto. Hermosa familia! Que El Señor los bendiga!!!!

Tania said...

Gracias!!!! <3

NRN SC said...

Oh my GOSH! Your babies are SOO cute! Soy koreana y mi esposo es Mexicano, siento como estamos connectados! Tambien, I LOVE your baek-il celebration!

DammitJanet said...

I loved your reading about Olivia's Baek-il. My niece will be turning 100 days soon and was looking for some ideas. This is great. On a side note, I love the name "Koyorrican." My daughter is Korean and Mexican and she calls herself a Kexican.

Unknown said...

I loveeeee that white dress you have on Olivia! Can you tell me where you bought it?

alinia dosage said...

Thank you for your guidance and support.You’re the sweetest! Thank you for everything you do!